Match between 2 teams.Each team attacks and defends 4 goals (two at sides, two frontal).It is played widewards.

Two teams of three or four player are placed into the area.The defender team is required to do man on man marking.A joker will be placed outside the area and will play with the offensive team .A goal will be scored: by entering any goal withh the ball controlled or by kicking to goal.

The players are divided in pairs and are distributed along the external sides of the marked squares .The game is about passing with the ball to the square playec back of the defenders.Defenders will try to make it imposible to get the ball controlled into that zone .Defenders cannont change position nor cross each other. They are supposed to defend at a zone .

Two actions between two players are seried .Firstable they have to overcome the opposition of a defender by an action 2x1 .Then the ball less player make a bending run behind the defender to overcome a second defender.If they finish the exercise with a goal, they continue attacking.Else they change roles.