Players are divided into two teams.Each team defends a big goal, and two smaller ones, placed on the sides of their defensive zones.They must score as many goals as possible.The goals on the big net are worth twice.

Normal match, but players can get outside zone.Each player will be 3 minutes in each of the three areas .The central passage will be bigger than the other two .The goalkick could be directly to a side zone player.

Relief race all over the playground.One player runs and when a round its complete, gives a testige to the next player.The team with the last player reaching goal in fist place, wins.

Each pair occupies two goals made with pivots.The left player have the ball and must pass it to the right´s .After pass the two players run for the opposite goal.

the players are paired and distributed between squares.The game is about getting into the square, without being touched by defenders.The defenders will eliminate an attacker if he gets touched before reaching the line.Defenders must stay in the zone, they cannot change positions.

Players position is on circle, taken by hands.The prosecuter is outside the circle and tries to reach a concrete player on the circle.This player is on the opposite side of the circle.All the circle tries to avoid that player from being touch by moving around.

The players place on circle. All players on the circle have a ball except for two.Out of the circle is a player who is trying to touch a ball less player.The players inside circle pass the balls continuosly.

Match between two teams.Each team defends and attacks three goals.

The players are divided into two teams.Each team attack and defend two goals.One point will be scored by driving the ball throught an opponent goal.

There are two teams inside the field.2 players, placed outside play as jokers.The objective is to continuosly own the ball while taking it from side to side of the square (It must pass througth both jokers) .Each ten sucessive passes of the same team, a goal is scored.

Players are dividen into two teams .Both of them figth for the ball .At the same time they will be able to score by passing the ball throught any of the four goals .Two goalkeepers will defent these goals, and they can move freely by them .

Ball flow between X1,X2 and X3.WAll pass of X3 with X5.Pass back to X2 who kicks to goal.

Ball circulation from flank to flank between X1, X2 and X3.X3 passes to the space that has been left by X5.X4 Uses that space for, at the first touch, kick to goal .A second posibility will be to pass to the second pole looking for X5 to cap .

Two teams attacking each one on two goals and with two players placed at the flank of the field .The teams fall back to their areas to defend .When the ball is stolen a long pass to one of the external players is made to ensure a quick counterattack .

Depending on the system used by each team x players will be placed at the system positions .The objetive is that the players elaborate different plays simulating real game actions .The coach will impose some rules; That all players must touch the ball before capping, that the ball must go thru both flanks, etc .

two teams are make, with an adition of two jokers.The objetive is to maintain the ball owning the longer possible.Each fifth time that the attacking team touches the ball, a defending player is banished .These players return to the field when the defending teams recovers the ball and touches five times .Each team will try to eliminate all the opponent players.

Combinative action for 5 players .X1 starts the play with a pass to X2 who at the first touch make a wall pass whit him .X1 Playing at one touch passes to X3.X1 will pass so to be at the initial position of X2.X3 makes a pass and at that moment, X5 runs to him, so after a wall pass, they pass to the arriving X4.X5 Will then be at the the position of X1 and X4 Will be at the position of X5.Kicks will be made to golal except the defenders, who will try to kick the ball between pivots (at least 2 of each 3 kicks).