Divide players into two teams.In each half, one team will attack 4 nets ant the other only two of them .The team with more goals after the second half, wins.

Make two teams.Place ramdomly small goals all around playground (one more goal than players on a team).The objective is to maintain posesion and score as many goals as possible.A goal is scored by making a pass throught any goal.When the defending team stole the ball, the positions are changed (defenders-attackers).

Two teams of 7 and a goalkeeper each.There are placed two goals made of pivots at the middle of the field, at sides .Pass the ball througth a goal is worth half a point.To score a normal goal is worth 1 point.

Reduced space match between two teams.2 jokers that play always with the ball owner.

Match between two teams.At the marked zones will be placed an attacker.To score, the ball must come from one of those.

Divide players into two team.Each team attack and defend a goal.To score a goal, it must be after a pass backwards.