Match between two teams.Each team defends and attacks three goals.

Match between 2 teams.Each team attacks and defends 4 goals (two at sides, two frontal).It is played widewards.

Reduced space match between two teams.2 jokers that play always with the ball owner.

Players are divided into two teams.Goals are paced ramdomly, one more than players.The objective is to score the max, while maintining owning.A goal is scored by making a pass throught a goal.If the defending team gets the ball, then they attack.

The players are divided into two teams (one attacks the big goal, while the other attacks the two smaller ones ) .The team that defends the big goal falls back covering spaces and play at counterattack when recovers ball .The team that attacks the big goal tries to construct with patience and presses near enemy area.

The players are divided into two teams.Each team attack and defend two goals.One point will be scored by driving the ball throught an opponent goal.

Divide players into two team.Each team attack and defend a goal.To score a goal, it must be after a pass backwards.

Two rows of cones of about 40 meters will be used as a goal .The players are divided into two teams .To score a goal the row must be surpased driving the ball throught it and letting it stopped by the row, at aprox. 2 or 3 meters (To make sure that the ball enters controlled).

X1 long passes to X3 who controls and try to overcome the opposition of X1 and X2.X2 covers X1 should he become surpased.

The players are divided into two teams.There are two small goals, placed at the sides, and one big goal, at the middle.The objetive is to score the most, but to score at the big goal, it must be done by head.

4 small goals are placedat 7-8 meters of the area .4 players attack and 3 more and a goalkeeper defend .Attackers must pass the ball thru any of the small goals to be able to attack the big one .Defenders must prevent it by defending first the small goals and later the big one.

A triangle zone is marked from the corners to the center of the field.The defensive team will be placed inside this zone and will be unable to exit it. They will have to control all the space and avoid the attacker team from scoring a goal .The team with the ball will play with 3 players inside and 3 player outside the zone with the only objetive of scoring a goal.

Two teams play inside a square.The team with the ball will have as objetive exiting the square with the ball controlled (driving it).The opponent team will try to pretent them from doing it by moving all the players over the ball .

Base movement of colective average pressure on a 4-4-2.The different variations of roles will determine the point variations of movements .Give importance to the How (2x1) and Where (flank) Start pressure.

The players are divided in pairs and are distributed along the external sides of the marked squares .The game is about passing with the ball to the square playec back of the defenders.Defenders will try to make it imposible to get the ball controlled into that zone .Defenders cannont change position nor cross each other. They are supposed to defend at a zone .