Divide players into two teams.Each team defend and attack 3 little nets placed along end line .The Goal will be get by entering the ball into any net.

Divide players into two teams.Each team will have a defensive player that will not leave the defensive area.There will be two ways of scoring: kick inside the goal defended by the goalkeeper or drive throught cones.

Divide players into three teams.Two teams play inside field and the other one place as outside support.The two inside teams fight over ball posesion and can use the outside players as support.Each 8 or 10 minutes change a inside team for the ouside one.

The players are divided into two teams that fight to keep the ball. In the marked zone (square) could only enter a player per team .A goal will be scored when a team get a combo of pass and devolution with a player inside square.They can´t stand still at square.

It is a match between two teams.Each time will have a man permanently on the defensive zone (free player), All the other players are placed along the field.A goal is scored by kicking to net in the defensive area, or by head from anywere.

The players are divided into two teams.One team will try to maintain ball, and can have support from both goalkeepers (who play with feet).When the defending team gets the ball, it will try to score on any goal.At half time the positions interchange.The team with bigger score wins.

Two teams of 4 players each and a goalkeeper play a match on the big area of a football field.They can only use head pasees.If the ball touches the ground, then it is passed to the opponent team.

It is about keeping the ball.There will be three teams of 4 players plus a joker that will play with the ball owner .There will be always three atackers and a joker versus 8 defenders.

The players are divided into two teams, also the field is divided into two fields.Each team will have two outside supporting players on the attack sides .There will be played a match , but all players must be on the attacked field for the goal to be scored .If any of the defending players is on the attackers side of the field, the goal will score double.

inside playground there are placed two teams of 5 players each and two jokers that will play always with the team that has posesion .On the parallel sides and outside field another two will be placed .The objetive will be to maintain the owning of the ball for the bigger time and to get a pass from one outside joker to the other, by internal passes.

Divide players into two teams.Each team will attack and defend two small goals. The goal of the game is to score the most, while working the cnages of orientation and the rythm of the driving.At the same time, as they have to defend two small goals, the game is very suitable to work on zone defense, with supporting, changes of role and position for every player on team .

Movement in group coordinating rythm.One after another grapping companion´s leg .

It´s abour reaching the first to one of the pivots.The pivots will be numbered.At the signal of the trainer the players will run to the pivot named.The last one to reach will be eliminated.

The players must move around a circle.the players must sit on the knees of the previous player.rotate alternating inside and outside.

Competition between two teams.They will try to reach as soon as possible to kick to goal.

All players form a circle except one, that remains outside.The players must pass a ball, and the exterios player must run to intercept it.The player that las touched the ball when it´s intercepted will replace the outside player.· meter between players.

The players will be placed in two teams, around a playground, giving them a ball each.When signaled, all players will try to get their field rid of ball, .sending them to opponent playground, with hand, feet.The team with less balls in it´s field when a minute passes, wins.