Passes between two players and after a dribbling kick to goal.The action starts with a long pass by the defender.
Passes between two players and after a dribbling kick to goal.The action starts with a long pass by the defender.
The players are placed at both flanks of the field and at the sides of the goals.The players at the flanks drive the ball while making tecnical actions (dribbling, wall passes), before passing to the center of the small area.Two players run from the same side as the passer and after crossing, they go for the cap .The passer, when returning to the start position will serve as a support for a wall pass.
Wall passes between players then finish with a deep pass.After controling the ball, another pass to the small area, so the outmarked player caps.
Rounding for five players.Behind each pivot there will be another so each time they make a pass this second pivot must be run around.The pass cannot be returned to the player that started it.