Divide players into two teams.Each team defend and attack 3 little nets placed along end line .The Goal will be get by entering the ball into any net.

Divide players into two teams.In each half, one team will attack 4 nets ant the other only two of them .The team with more goals after the second half, wins.

Players are divided into two teams.each team defend a big net and two small nets places at the sides .they have to try to score the bigger number of goals.The goals into the bigger net are worth twice.

Divide players into three teams.2 teams play inside playground ant the other outside, as support.The two teams will try to score, for what they can use outside players as support .Each 8 or 10 minutes, rotate teams.

Divide players into two teams. Play seven on seven plus two goalkeepers.Establish Tactical objetives as needed;pressing, falling back, steering....

Divide players into two teams.Each team will have a defensive player that will not leave the defensive area.There will be two ways of scoring: kick inside the goal defended by the goalkeeper or drive throught cones.

The players are divided into two teams.One team will try to maintain ball, and can have support from both goalkeepers (who play with feet).When the defending team gets the ball, it will try to score on any goal.At half time the positions interchange.The team with bigger score wins.

Signal two limiting lines on both sides, after wich and on attack zone, two players of each team are placed.At goal kicking zone there are always an attack superiority of 3 vs 1.The goal keepers passes continuosly to the side where the players make a wall pass before returning the ball . The team that score more goals wins.

The players are divided into two teams, also the field is divided into two fields.Each team will have two outside supporting players on the attack sides .There will be played a match , but all players must be on the attacked field for the goal to be scored .If any of the defending players is on the attackers side of the field, the goal will score double.

The playground is dividen into two zones, each one with three players of each team.Each team attacks a, only one, goal.The objetive is to pass the ball into the attack zone and get superiority (the player that passes the ball goes to the attack zone) .If the opposite player recovers the ball, only that player could recover his defensive position on the other zone .