Players are divided into two teams.Goals are paced ramdomly, one more than players.The objective is to score the max, while maintining owning.A goal is scored by making a pass throught a goal.If the defending team gets the ball, then they attack.

Divide players into teams of 4.They play 4 on 4 placed as a lozenge (Side and long support) .The final objetives are the short combinations and the quick endings .Man to man marking is required to increase outmarking, dribbling...The team that has scored the much after three minutes, wins .

Combined action with 4 player reaching goal and capping .x1 Make a drive and pass to x3.x3 returns with 1 touch towards x2.x2 make a change of orientation looking for outmarking from x4.x2 Will reach to the short one, x3 to the penalty point and x1 to the second pole.