Maintain the ball owning trying that to avoid it from being intercepted by the player placed at the center of the circle.

X1 wall passes to X2 and then open the ball towards the position of X3.X3 makes an oriented control and passes to X2.X2 Makes a control with protection and twist to pass to X4.X4 after controlling the ball makes a deep and high pass towards the starting position .Make the exercise changing the direction of the ball.

Little driving of X1.On that moment, X2 will start to realize a wall pass with the first player .After the wall pass, he will drive the ball and then kicks to goal .

A player drives the ball, when he reaches tht middle of the run, he makes a wall pass with a companion.After that, he passes to the fartest player, who drives the ball and begin the exercice again.

Series of oriented controls, short passes, wall passes... with two balls (Wich never stop) and the players rotating from point to point .x1 passes to x2.x2 controls backwards and passes, while twisting to x3.x3 passes to x4, x4 to x5, x5 to x6(who previously outmarks),all by short passes and oriented controls.x6 makes a wall pass with x7 and drives till x1.Starts again.