Divide players into two teams. Play seven on seven plus two goalkeepers.Establish Tactical objetives as needed;pressing, falling back, steering....

Players are divided into two teams.Each team defends a big goal, and two smaller ones, placed on the sides of their defensive zones.They must score as many goals as possible.The goals on the big net are worth twice.

Match between two teams.The big goal can only be scored after a pass from outside the big area, that goal is worth 1 point.On the goal made of pivots the goal is worth 0,5 points .The team with more points win.

In half a field, divided in two sides, there is played a game 5 on 4 .The team with 4 players press with 3 of them the side of the field with the ball .The oponent team must score on the small goals.

3 attackers vs 3 defenders.1 joker who plays with the ball owner, He cannot pass the limit line, but can kick to goal .

There are two teams of three playerws each.They have to maintain owning of the ball with the help of two players who are out of the field .The rest will play in their signaled area, that cannot be leaved .The passes will be done between areas and with the pivots.

The players are divided into two teams.Each team attack and defend two goals.One point will be scored by driving the ball throught an opponent goal.

X1 pass to X2 who drive the ball to the big area .X1 runs to encounter X2 to function as defender.X2 dribbles and ends with a kick .

There are placed two team inside a square, they have to fight for the ball .They have to make a little change of rythm everytime a pass is made .The player that dont make it is penaliced with 10 abdominals or something like that.

Players are dividen into two teams .Both of them figth for the ball .At the same time they will be able to score by passing the ball throught any of the four goals .Two goalkeepers will defent these goals, and they can move freely by them .

A triangle zone is marked from the corners to the center of the field.The defensive team will be placed inside this zone and will be unable to exit it. They will have to control all the space and avoid the attacker team from scoring a goal .The team with the ball will play with 3 players inside and 3 player outside the zone with the only objetive of scoring a goal.

Two teams attacking each one on two goals and with two players placed at the flank of the field .The teams fall back to their areas to defend .When the ball is stolen a long pass to one of the external players is made to ensure a quick counterattack .

A player runs to the middle of the field where, after rounding a pivot will make a deep pass .Once this pass is made, the player behind will start to run, drive the ball some meters and pass to the area so the first player cap to goal .