The players are divided into two teams.One team will try to maintain ball, and can have support from both goalkeepers (who play with feet).When the defending team gets the ball, it will try to score on any goal.At half time the positions interchange.The team with bigger score wins.

It is about keeping the ball.There will be three teams of 4 players plus a joker that will play with the ball owner .There will be always three atackers and a joker versus 8 defenders.

Encounter between two teams.Each team has a player that is behind enemy goal.To score a wall pass must be made with that player throught goal.The ball will be given back with only one touch .

Two rows of cones of about 40 meters will be used as a goal .The players are divided into two teams .To score a goal the row must be surpased driving the ball throught it and letting it stopped by the row, at aprox. 2 or 3 meters (To make sure that the ball enters controlled).

The players are divided into two teams.There are two small goals, placed at the sides, and one big goal, at the middle.The objetive is to score the most, but to score at the big goal, it must be done by head.

Begining backwards to the goal,X3 receives a pass from X1 while X4 defends.X3 has two options : face X4 and kick to goal, protect the ball or make time and look for a wall pass with X1.

The players are divided into 6 positions ; 4 at the end line and 2 more at the center areas .X1 begins at the end line, getting support from the inside player X2, passes to X3 and get into the flank to pass to the area.X3 returns the ball when X1 arrives.X2 after doing the support get inside area to cap.Players interchange positions.