Players are divided into two teams.each team defend a big net and two small nets places at the sides .they have to try to score the bigger number of goals.The goals into the bigger net are worth twice.

Divide players into three teams.2 teams play inside playground ant the other outside, as support.The two teams will try to score, for what they can use outside players as support .Each 8 or 10 minutes, rotate teams.

Two players place at the sides of a playground.Inside, they are two defenders and three attackers.They must remain in the same relative position, 2 side support(1 player in the back of the defense).Take ball from one side to another and rotate places.

Divide players into two teams. Play seven on seven plus two goalkeepers.Establish Tactical objetives as needed;pressing, falling back, steering....

Match between two teams.The big goal can only be scored after a pass from outside the big area, that goal is worth 1 point.On the goal made of pivots the goal is worth 0,5 points .The team with more points win.

In half a field, divided in two sides, there is played a game 5 on 4 .The team with 4 players press with 3 of them the side of the field with the ball .The oponent team must score on the small goals.

Normal match, but players can get outside zone.Each player will be 3 minutes in each of the three areas .The central passage will be bigger than the other two .The goalkick could be directly to a side zone player.

Two teams play to eliminate each other. The players will get the ball with the hands and will be unable to make more than three steeps with .A plyer will be eliminated if he is touched by ball.The player exiting field will be elimimated too.The team that eliminates all the enemy player in least time will win.

They will be two round with some player in and some inside at two touchs.Outside players will have a bodice on hands.When signaled, they release the bodices and run to get the ones released by the other team.The two without bodices play inside the round.

Match between two teams.Each team defends and attacks three goals.

Match between two teams.Field divided into three zones .To score, a kick must be done from the mid zone (wich is faraway from goals) .The joker plays with the team that owns the ball.

3 attackers vs 3 defenders.1 joker who plays with the ball owner, He cannot pass the limit line, but can kick to goal .

There are two teams of three playerws each.They have to maintain owning of the ball with the help of two players who are out of the field .The rest will play in their signaled area, that cannot be leaved .The passes will be done between areas and with the pivots.

The players are divided into two teams.Each team attack and defend two goals.One point will be scored by driving the ball throught an opponent goal.

There are two teams inside the field.2 players, placed outside play as jokers.The objective is to continuosly own the ball while taking it from side to side of the square (It must pass througth both jokers) .Each ten sucessive passes of the same team, a goal is scored.

X1 pass and get ball back from realiza X2.X1 pass to X3 and both goes to encounter to act as defender.X3 drives to get an 1x1 versus X1.X2 goes to support X3 giving him the possibility of making a wall pass or simply pass.To finish there is a goal kick.

Mixed action with 4 players .The play start by a wall pass between (X1 and X2).After that X1 Makes a change of orientation while X3 outmarks.X3 after controlling kick in the direction of X4, so he caps.X2 support if the ball is rejected.