It´s about avoiding to touch the pivot.The players position in a circle with a pivot in the middle.They spin around in a direction and, by the signal, they try to move backwards to force another player to touch the pivot.The touching player is eliminated.

Forming in a circle, getting each other hands and a player in the middle of the circle.That player try to exit the circle by the gaps between arms or legs or upwards.

The players must move around the field.Lined, one after another with the feet on the head of the next one.

4 corners play.To the shout of the trainer, all players will change corner.4 players will always finish outside.

It consist in a change of positions.each player place at an hour mark.When the trainer says a time, hour and minute, the players change theirs positions as faster as possible.

2 teams play to eliminate each other.If the trainer says a even number then everyone runs to the right, and if he says an other number, then to the left .They must reach the pivot before their companion to avoid elimination.

Two teams play to eliminate each other. The players will get the ball with the hands and will be unable to make more than three steeps with .A plyer will be eliminated if he is touched by ball.The player exiting field will be elimimated too.The team that eliminates all the enemy player in least time will win.

All players but one will have a bodice attached backards.The bodiceless player will try to get one from another player .The game will finish when nobody has a bodice.

Pested game.In the moment that a player get touched by the pested player he will be inmobiliced.He will be able to move again only if another player passes between his legs.

Each player will have an assigned number.As the trainer says a number, the player of each team with that number will try to reach the ball and kick to goal .The player that reach the ball later will be eliminated so will be the non scoring one.

Player run around some balls.There will always be a ball less than players.When signaled by the trainer, all players will try to get a ball.The ball less player will be eliminated.

Handkerchief game, but with ball.As the trainer says a number, a player from each team start to .The players must take the ball and drive it to the start point, they must avoid the other player from stealing it before reaching the line.

A ball pero player except two players.These will try to steal the balls of the rest of the players.

The mid player try to drive to the most far cone.The other two player will start at the same time and try to catch him.

They will be two round with some player in and some inside at two touchs.Outside players will have a bodice on hands.When signaled, they release the bodices and run to get the ones released by the other team.The two without bodices play inside the round.

Frontal pass between two players.Once the pass is done, control, and driving fast towards pivot.The player with ball will try to get there before the other player gets him.The pursuing player will start running in the moment that the other receives the pass .

Half of the players of a team place opposite of the other team´s half and at 15-20 meters.Halfway there are two cones.They have to drive fast from one point to the other.One the driving player reach the cone line, the next can start running.The team that get all it`s player thru the line in fist place, wins.