Divide players into three teams.Two teams play inside field and the other one place as outside support.The two inside teams fight over ball posesion and can use the outside players as support.Each 8 or 10 minutes change a inside team for the ouside one.

Divide players into two teams.Each team defend and attack 3 little nets placed along end line .The Goal will be get by entering the ball into any net.

Make two teams.Place ramdomly small goals all around playground (one more goal than players on a team).The objective is to maintain posesion and score as many goals as possible.A goal is scored by making a pass throught any goal.When the defending team stole the ball, the positions are changed (defenders-attackers).

Divide players into teams of 4.Match in reduced space between two teams.Cobine support, wall passes, dribbling... to get a goal.Play must have maximun intensity.


Divide players into two teams. Play seven on seven plus two goalkeepers.Establish Tactical objetives as needed;pressing, falling back, steering....

Divide players into two teams.Each team will have a defensive player that will not leave the defensive area.There will be two ways of scoring: kick inside the goal defended by the goalkeeper or drive throught cones.