There will be 3 rounds to the circuit, made by repetitions.1ª) 20 iterations on a time 2ª) 15 iterations on a time 3ª) 10 iterations on a about 30" between times.a Time: 1-Abd.dorsal 2-Lumbar with leg elevation 3-Abd.inferior with leg elevation 4-Upper Abd. with extended legs 5-Lumbar with body elevation 6-Upper Abd. with semi extended legs.

Series;1)Upper abdominal extended legs.2)Lower abdominal alternatively rising semiextended legs.3)Oblicuals by body side bending.4)Lumbars with body elevation and legs extended.5)Lower abdominal by extend and retract legs by the ground.6)Upper abdominal with leg elevation at 90 º.Two complete runs around playground:1st)30” running 30” recovering.2)20” running 40” recovering.

Series;1)Arms elevation over head, with resistance2)Extensions of arms with resistance.3)Advance like a pushcart.4)pushing one on one with arms extended.5)Arm wrestling with one arm in the ground.6)Join arms to body with resistance.Tow complete runs around playground:1st)30” running 30” recovering.2nd)20” running 40” recovering.

Make a complete lap to a muscle improving circuit, form 10 to 15 iterations for exercise.Diferent modes can be used to work each exercise (weights, machines...).It is importaant to work global (Upper side of body, lower side, abdominal...).Non maximun weights(60-70% of capacity), and using different muscle groups.

Arm warming exercises, joint movement and coordination.1)Alternatively rise and lower the arms(Right up, left down...).2)Open arms and cross them in front of the body(Each time a arm is higher).3)Make big circles with both arms(Forwards and backwards).4)Continuos sequence; Cross in front of the body, cross backwards, rise both, lower both.

Warming up, flexibility and coordination .1) Forward flexion of body and stretch with inclination backwards.2)Side twist (180º), with both arms.3)Side flexion, rising opposite arm.4) Body flexion, with open legs and looking alternatively for both legs with both arms.

Upper body exercise with different items (Weights, medicinal balls, companion resistance, ropes...).Work all muscular groups.1) Curl of biceps (alternate or simultaneous).2) Series of triceps.3)Side rising of shoulders (alternate or simultaneous).4) Chest series.Make exercises dimamicaly and with great extent.

Warming up joint movility.1)Both heels movility (Up-down, side, twist...).2) Kneels; (twist, side, forward-backwards...)legs together or spaced.3) Waist; side,forward-backwards, twist....4)Shoulder movility; forward-backwards, twist...(Alternate or simultaneous).It is important to exercise all joints.

Warming up, recovery or flexibility work.1)Hands grabbed with palms upwards, extend arms over head.2) Hands grabbed with palms outwards, extend arms in front of the body.3) Hands grabbed with palms outwards, extend arms behind body.4)Flexing elbow around neck and pushing elbow inwards.

Warming up without displacement by four different kinds of exercise;.1)Upper body warming: Arms forwards and backwards....2) Joint movility:ankles, kness, wrist,shoulder, neck .3)Lower body warming: Skipping, heels, open close....4) All muscle groups stretch: gemeli, cuadriceps, isquiotibials....

stretch especially suited for coming down after training. 1) On kness and ass over legs, Body extension with arms on ground.2) The cat; Bend down with arms extended;extend and relax body.3) Sit down with legs forwards twist body to the side.4) Laying on ground make fully extension of body(legs, arms...).