Player run around some balls.There will always be a ball less than players.When signaled by the trainer, all players will try to get a ball.The ball less player will be eliminated.

Two files, the players back to back with lazed arms try to push.They have to push the opponent team further of the line formed by the pivots.

2 teams of five player each play a possesion match with hands.The objective will be to get ten passes without being intercepted.The team thats get the passes win a point.The team with more points wins.

The players are numbered from 1 to 6.They will be signaled by pairs.They will run to the pivot.The last one in reaching the pivot will be eliminated .

Relief race all over the playground.One player runs and when a round its complete, gives a testige to the next player.The team with the last player reaching goal in fist place, wins.

All players are sit down.Competition between two teams.When signaled by the trainer, the fist of the file will position last.The fist team reaching the pivot wins.

Players stand up.When signaled the last player runs between his companions and position fist.The fist team reaching the pivot wins.

The players are placed at end line, one each side of goal, a pass in direction to penalty point is made, so the player in the opposite side can run and strike.One the pass is made the player run to kick to goal.After kicking they change sides.

Players position is on circle, taken by hands.The prosecuter is outside the circle and tries to reach a concrete player on the circle.This player is on the opposite side of the circle.All the circle tries to avoid that player from being touch by moving around.

The players place on circle. All players on the circle have a ball except for two.Out of the circle is a player who is trying to touch a ball less player.The players inside circle pass the balls continuosly.