Handkerchief game, but with ball.As the trainer says a number, a player from each team start to .The players must take the ball and drive it to the start point, they must avoid the other player from stealing it before reaching the line.

Play to score with head.Passes will be done with the hands.The goals scored when some player of the team is in the midfield will be void.

Slalom run between cones.Feet united jump over fences.Run and round around cones (attack each one a side).Walk to the first position while recovering.

Half of the players of a team place opposite of the other team´s half and at 15-20 meters.Halfway there are two cones.They have to drive fast from one point to the other.One the driving player reach the cone line, the next can start running.The team that get all it`s player thru the line in fist place, wins.

At a zone market with pivots will be placed; 5 players, a ball for player and 5 pivots.They have to drive the ball thought the square, without losing control, avoiding pivots.

The players are numbered from 1 to 6.They will be signaled by pairs.They will run to the pivot.The last one in reaching the pivot will be eliminated .

All players will be given a number.The player signaled by the coach will pass below the legs of all the other players.

Players stand up.When signaled the last player runs between his companions and position fist.The fist team reaching the pivot wins.

Make four teams (two per area).Run with amplitude (70-80%) from area to area, recovery walking to plaground´s end and to area.Team run in relief´s mode(finish one and start another).8 iterations, When done 3 min of active recovering.Reduce to three teams and make 6 iterations.Finish with 5 minutes of active recovering.

The players are divided into four teams.The exercise will be done throught playground.6 go and back running.4 go and back, recovery jogging.2 go-back-go, recovery walking(when returning).4 go, recovery jogging.Make seriaes at 79.80%.To finish, 5 minutes of active recovering.

Players are placer into two rows and in the middle it´s placed an small fence (60 cm). Players must pass the ball over fence and quicky jump the fence with feet together .

It will be comendable to find two slopes with differen inclination; Long slope (8% aprox ), Short slope (25% aprox ).1st serie; 8 iterations of 50 meters over 8% slope. 2nd serie;6 iterations of 50 meters over 8% slope but faster..3rd serie; 4 iterations of 10 meters over 25% slope.Slope, inclinated upwards..

the players are paired and distributed between squares.The game is about getting into the square, without being touched by defenders.The defenders will eliminate an attacker if he gets touched before reaching the line.Defenders must stay in the zone, they cannot change positions.

Stretch of gemeni isquitibials, cuadriceps and abductors on wall, very suitable for going down.1) Laying with straight back and leg extended.2) Place near wall and put a feet on it(talón laying on ground).3) Backwards with a leg bended behind body and on wall .4) Laying on ground with legs extended and open supported by wall.

Distribute players in teams (2 or 4).Move the medicinal ball in reliefs.First only a ball will be used, taken on hands or alternatively under each arm, an then a second ball is taken,one under each arm.30 meters or so between teams.It is important to recover between rounds.