The players will be placed in two teams, around a playground, giving them a ball each.When signaled, all players will try to get their field rid of ball, .sending them to opponent playground, with hand, feet.The team with less balls in it´s field when a minute passes, wins.

Series;1)Sprint to 1st signal, and back recovering, Sprint to 2nd signal, and back recovering...2)One touch passes with feet inside.3)Air ball dominion in pairs (with feet) .4)Just like serie one, but driving a ball.5)Jump with feets together over fences.6)ball dominion in pairs (with head).Two complete runs around playground:1ª)30” of action 30” of recovering.2ª)20” of action 40” of recovering.

It a speed circuit with ball.The player makes an high pass to goalkeeper and changes ryth to receive the ball from him . Then he makes a wall pass with change of rytm with another teammate .Third action should be a maximun speed drive .Finishing a long and high pass and a sprint to goal.