All players but one will have a bodice attached backards.The bodiceless player will try to get one from another player .The game will finish when nobody has a bodice.

All players form a circle except one, that remains outside.The players must pass a ball, and the exterios player must run to intercept it.The player that las touched the ball when it´s intercepted will replace the outside player.· meter between players.

The first player of the team, runs to the pivot and returns.Take the hand of the second, and runs to and back the pivot.So with the rest of players.When the first player has run with all the team, then rests.Later the secons, the third and so.The last one runs alone.

Four different teams are made.One for goal, and two at middlefield (one in each side) .The have to make a chase run.Each team must cath the rest of the players without losing team mates.

Each pair occupies two goals made with pivots.The left player have the ball and must pass it to the right´s .After pass the two players run for the opposite goal.

Find a place with aprox. 20 stairs, not too narrow.1st serie; 8 iterations, walking going up two by two.2nd serie;8 iterations, walking going up one by one.3rd serie; 8 iterations, running going up one by one.4ª serie; 8 iterations, two by two running.Recovering and extensions between series.transferency should by worked then, by 5 progresions of about 20 meters.