Maintain the ball owning trying that to avoid it from being intercepted by the player placed at the center of the circle.

Divide the players in groups of three .The players can move freely thru the field making passes while moving .The first player makes a high pass towards the second, who will try to hit the ball with the head and direct it towars the third player who previously has outmarked.

Players place forming an "Y".The players make a combination of passes, and wall passes.X1 wall passes to X2 and then passes to X3.X3 wall passes with X2 and drives the ball back to the starting position y .The exersice will be made with two balls at the time (one at each flank of the "Y" .When they reach the starting position the players will start the action the other direction.

Players place themselves forming a "Y".The players make a sucession of passes whili driving whitout kicking the ball.X1 wall passes to X2 and passes to X3.X3 drives the ball to the starting point.The exercise will be done with two balls at the same time (one at each flank of the "Y").When they reach the starting position, the exercise starts again at the other flank.

Series of passes between players to finish with a pass to a fourth player.After a little driving kick to goal.Make the exercise at both flanks of the field.

Wall pass between two players that after dribling the cones without the ball kick to goal.After that first kick the player make a rupture oumarking and waits for the pass of a third player, controls the ball and kicks to goal.