In pairs at a distance of 10m..Passing the ball between the two player, changing the kicking leg.

Series of passes playing at only one touch when the ball is coming back and at two touches the rest of the actions.When the ball reaches 3 a wall pass opposited action is made (3 and 4 with the opposing player 4) .Rotate positions and make the exercise until the basic mechanics are learned.Chenge the direction the exercise so both legs are used.

A player runs to the middle of the field where, after rounding a pivot will make a deep pass .Once this pass is made, the player behind will start to run, drive the ball some meters and pass to the area so the first player cap to goal .

X1 wall passes to X2 and then open the ball towards the position of X3.X3 makes an oriented control and passes to X2.X2 Makes a control with protection and twist to pass to X4.X4 after controlling the ball makes a deep and high pass towards the starting position .Make the exercise changing the direction of the ball.

X1 passes low to X2.X2 controls and protects, then twist to pass to X3.X3 makes an oriented control and passes to X4 Who returns the ball to the same position where X5 starts the exercise over again, but in the other direction.

Divide the players in groups of three .The players can move freely thru the field making passes while moving .The first player makes a high pass towards the second, who will try to hit the ball with the head and direct it towars the third player who previously has outmarked.

X1 passes low towards X2.X2 touches the ball once, and direct it towards X3.X3 makes a low and "touched" pass towards X4.X4 after controlling the ball, makes a high pass towards the starting position .The players rotate to the position they have just pass the ball .At mid time the direction of the ball is twisted .

Four players place themselves at the corners of a square.They make actions of diagonal and vertical pass.After passing they return till signaled and then advance till another signal looking for the ball to kick.After making a complete round they change the positions with the nearest companion.

Players place forming an "Y".The players make a combination of passes, and wall passes.X1 wall passes to X2 and then passes to X3.X3 wall passes with X2 and drives the ball back to the starting position y .The exersice will be made with two balls at the time (one at each flank of the "Y" .When they reach the starting position the players will start the action the other direction.

Players place themselves forming a "Y".The players make a sucession of passes whili driving whitout kicking the ball.X1 wall passes to X2 and passes to X3.X3 drives the ball to the starting point.The exercise will be done with two balls at the same time (one at each flank of the "Y").When they reach the starting position, the exercise starts again at the other flank.

5 cones are placed perpendiculary to two rows of players.With a ball starting from each flank, the players must drive the ball dribbling cones from the center to one flank and return, finishing the exercise with a low pass to the next player on the opposite row.

Each player runs continuosly the circuit.Starts with a zig-zag driving, and then kicks the ball.Then goes to the second ball, drives around the cone, and kicks to goal again.Then looks for the ball at the flank, drives it around the cone and kicks to goal a therd time.Later he recovers the fourth ball and drives it, letting it for the next player to start the exercise.

The players are placed at both flanks of the field and at the sides of the goals.The players at the flanks drive the ball while making tecnical actions (dribbling, wall passes), before passing to the center of the small area.Two players run from the same side as the passer and after crossing, they go for the cap .The passer, when returning to the start position will serve as a support for a wall pass.

Passes between two players.They must be about 10 or 15 meters away.Control oriented to the starting point.Little driving after controlling the ball.Changing the positions at the series.

Passing and returning between two players. the first player will drive the ball towards the companion, then dribbles him and shoots to goal.