Players are divided into two teams.each team defend a big net and two small nets places at the sides .they have to try to score the bigger number of goals.The goals into the bigger net are worth twice.

Divide players into three teams.2 teams play inside playground ant the other outside, as support.The two teams will try to score, for what they can use outside players as support .Each 8 or 10 minutes, rotate teams.

The players are placed at end line, one each side of goal, a pass in direction to penalty point is made, so the player in the opposite side can run and strike.One the pass is made the player run to kick to goal.After kicking they change sides.

2 or 3 players are placed at the sides of the area and the resto of the players make two rows out of the area, perpendicular to the goal .Side players make a short wall pass and center to the area where two players go to cap.The capping players cross out of the area .

X1 make a starting pass to X2.X2 controls and make a vertical pass towards X3.X3 controls and make a diagonal pass towards X1.X1 make a wall pass and finally leaves the ball at the broder of the area so X4 runs to the ball and kicks to goal.

Combinative action for 5 players .X1 starts the play with a pass to X2 who at the first touch make a wall pass whit him .X1 Playing at one touch passes to X3.X1 will pass so to be at the initial position of X2.X3 makes a pass and at that moment, X5 runs to him, so after a wall pass, they pass to the arriving X4.X5 Will then be at the the position of X1 and X4 Will be at the position of X5.Kicks will be made to golal except the defenders, who will try to kick the ball between pivots (at least 2 of each 3 kicks).

The players are divided into teams of 4 . The play is 4 on 4 on a lozenge position (side suppor and long support) and two supports at the endline of tha attacking goal .The basic objetives are the short combinations and the fast play endings .They have to mark on the man to make outmarking and dribbling easier .Outside players can only play at one touch.

A player runs to the middle of the field where, after rounding a pivot will make a deep pass .Once this pass is made, the player behind will start to run, drive the ball some meters and pass to the area so the first player cap to goal .