It´s about avoiding to touch the pivot.The players position in a circle with a pivot in the middle.They spin around in a direction and, by the signal, they try to move backwards to force another player to touch the pivot.The touching player is eliminated.

Two files, the players back to back with lazed arms try to push.They have to push the opponent team further of the line formed by the pivots.

Warming up, flexibility and coordination .1) Forward flexion of body and stretch with inclination backwards.2)Side twist (180º), with both arms.3)Side flexion, rising opposite arm.4) Body flexion, with open legs and looking alternatively for both legs with both arms.

Distribute players in teams (2 or 4).Move the medicinal ball in reliefs.First only a ball will be used, taken on hands or alternatively under each arm, an then a second ball is taken,one under each arm.30 meters or so between teams.It is important to recover between rounds.

Players position is on circle, taken by hands.The prosecuter is outside the circle and tries to reach a concrete player on the circle.This player is on the opposite side of the circle.All the circle tries to avoid that player from being touch by moving around.