Divide players into three teams.Two teams play inside field and the other one place as outside support.The two inside teams fight over ball posesion and can use the outside players as support.Each 8 or 10 minutes change a inside team for the ouside one.

The players are divided into two teams.One team will try to maintain ball, and can have support from both goalkeepers (who play with feet).When the defending team gets the ball, it will try to score on any goal.At half time the positions interchange.The team with bigger score wins.

Divide players into two teams.Each team will attack and defend two small goals. The goal of the game is to score the most, while working the cnages of orientation and the rythm of the driving.At the same time, as they have to defend two small goals, the game is very suitable to work on zone defense, with supporting, changes of role and position for every player on team .

Two rows of cones of about 40 meters will be used as a goal .The players are divided into two teams .To score a goal the row must be surpased driving the ball throught it and letting it stopped by the row, at aprox. 2 or 3 meters (To make sure that the ball enters controlled).

4 small goals are placedat 7-8 meters of the area .4 players attack and 3 more and a goalkeeper defend .Attackers must pass the ball thru any of the small goals to be able to attack the big one .Defenders must prevent it by defending first the small goals and later the big one.

Series of passes playing at only one touch when the ball is coming back and at two touches the rest of the actions.When the ball reaches 3 a wall pass opposited action is made (3 and 4 with the opposing player 4) .Rotate positions and make the exercise until the basic mechanics are learned.Chenge the direction the exercise so both legs are used.

Players place forming an "Y".The players make a combination of passes, and wall passes.X1 wall passes to X2 and then passes to X3.X3 wall passes with X2 and drives the ball back to the starting position y .The exersice will be made with two balls at the time (one at each flank of the "Y" .When they reach the starting position the players will start the action the other direction.