Elevate and descend without using hands.Support each other with back.

Movement in group coordinating rythm.One after another grapping companion´s leg .

Series;1)Sprint race with slalom 2)Frecuency of touching with both feet between pikes .3)Sprint race by zig-zag.4)Bit by bit enlarge leaps with one step between pikes .5)Jump with feet together over fences and accelerate.6)Amplitude introducing a leg in each hoop.Two complete loops at circuit:1ª)30” of action 30” recovering.2ª)20” of action 40” recovering.After finishing the serie, back to previous position walking.

Inside field there are different obstacles as pikes, cones....Half of team´s plyers are `placen outside of the square with ball .All the others, run inside.When signaled they must pass each obstacle (jumping, slalom, zigzag...) and give back the ball with only one touch to some outside player.

Continuos wall passes between several players. Once the last wall pass is made, drive the ball and make a long pass to another player to control and start over again.