Divide players into three teams.2 teams play inside playground ant the other outside, as support.The two teams will try to score, for what they can use outside players as support .Each 8 or 10 minutes, rotate teams.

Divide playground and place a team on each side.They have to maintain possesion on their ground and attack after 5 or 6 passes.When the defending team steal the ball, then they get the ground of the team that lose it.

Match between two teams.The big goal can only be scored after a pass from outside the big area, that goal is worth 1 point.On the goal made of pivots the goal is worth 0,5 points .The team with more points win.

It is about keeping the ball.There will be three teams of 4 players plus a joker that will play with the ball owner .There will be always three atackers and a joker versus 8 defenders.

The players are divided into two teams, also the field is divided into two fields.Each team will have two outside supporting players on the attack sides .There will be played a match , but all players must be on the attacked field for the goal to be scored .If any of the defending players is on the attackers side of the field, the goal will score double.

Handkerchief game, but with ball.As the trainer says a number, a player from each team start to .The players must take the ball and drive it to the start point, they must avoid the other player from stealing it before reaching the line.

They will be two round with some player in and some inside at two touchs.Outside players will have a bodice on hands.When signaled, they release the bodices and run to get the ones released by the other team.The two without bodices play inside the round.

the players are paired and distributed between squares.The game is about getting into the square, without being touched by defenders.The defenders will eliminate an attacker if he gets touched before reaching the line.Defenders must stay in the zone, they cannot change positions.

The players place on circle. All players on the circle have a ball except for two.Out of the circle is a player who is trying to touch a ball less player.The players inside circle pass the balls continuosly.

4 players placed at the corners of a square .2 Players defending and trying to cut and get the ball.When they cut the ball 5 times they interchange their positions with 2 outside players .

Reduced space match between two teams.2 jokers that play always with the ball owner.

Two teams of three or four player are placed into the area.The defender team is required to do man on man marking.A joker will be placed outside the area and will play with the offensive team .A goal will be scored: by entering any goal withh the ball controlled or by kicking to goal.

X1 pass to X2 who drive the ball to the big area .X1 runs to encounter X2 to function as defender.X2 dribbles and ends with a kick .

X2 start running to enter a 1x1 with X1 who goes to encounter him.X3 gets into the play to support X2 who can then pass or wall pass.

On one of the sides the player drives the ball and dribbles to finish kicking.At the other side of the field, driving and wall pass it´s worked , finishing in kick too.Once made, the positions are changed.

X1 makes a pass and goes to encounter X2.EHe controls, drive, and after dribble X1 kick to goal.The exercise is made at both sides of the field (With two balls) .Change of positions.

X1 pass and get ball back from realiza X2.X1 pass to X3 and both goes to encounter to act as defender.X3 drives to get an 1x1 versus X1.X2 goes to support X3 giving him the possibility of making a wall pass or simply pass.To finish there is a goal kick.