Divide players into three teams.2 teams play inside playground ant the other outside, as support.The two teams will try to score, for what they can use outside players as support .Each 8 or 10 minutes, rotate teams.

In half a field, divided in two sides, there is played a game 5 on 4 .The team with 4 players press with 3 of them the side of the field with the ball .The oponent team must score on the small goals.

The players are divided into two teams, also the field is divided into two fields.Each team will have two outside supporting players on the attack sides .There will be played a match , but all players must be on the attacked field for the goal to be scored .If any of the defending players is on the attackers side of the field, the goal will score double.

Two players of a team play on other two fo other team on a square of 20 meters with the objetive of passing the ball 10 times one after another .The rest of the players (two on each team) will be places outside the square .When ten passes has been done, the outside players will place themselves behind goals, to be liberated after a combination.And so numeric superiorities will be formed inside squares (3 on 2,...).

Three teams place two players each inside a circle and two players outside .Two team maintain ball owning both inside and outside circle in front of the defending team (the team that losses the ball) .Each team will get a goal when combines a inside player with an outside one (or the contrary) throught a goal.

Match between two teams of 7 players each.Four goals made of pivots will be put on the corners of the field, while a fifth one will be on the middle.One of the teams will try to score on the corner´s goals, while the other one will keep the ball.

Frontal pass between two players.Once the pass is done, control, and driving fast towards pivot.The player with ball will try to get there before the other player gets him.The pursuing player will start running in the moment that the other receives the pass .

Half of the players of a team place opposite of the other team´s half and at 15-20 meters.Halfway there are two cones.They have to drive fast from one point to the other.One the driving player reach the cone line, the next can start running.The team that get all it`s player thru the line in fist place, wins.

At a zone market with pivots will be placed; 5 players, a ball for player and 5 pivots.They have to drive the ball thought the square, without losing control, avoiding pivots.

It a speed circuit with ball.The player makes an high pass to goalkeeper and changes ryth to receive the ball from him . Then he makes a wall pass with change of rytm with another teammate .Third action should be a maximun speed drive .Finishing a long and high pass and a sprint to goal.

Players are placer into two rows and in the middle it´s placed an small fence (60 cm). Players must pass the ball over fence and quicky jump the fence with feet together .

The players are placed at end line, one each side of goal, a pass in direction to penalty point is made, so the player in the opposite side can run and strike.One the pass is made the player run to kick to goal.After kicking they change sides.

Two teams of three or four player are placed into the area.The defender team is required to do man on man marking.A joker will be placed outside the area and will play with the offensive team .A goal will be scored: by entering any goal withh the ball controlled or by kicking to goal.

X1 pass to X2 who drive the ball to the big area .X1 runs to encounter X2 to function as defender.X2 dribbles and ends with a kick .

X1 long passes to X3 who controls and try to overcome the opposition of X1 and X2.X2 covers X1 should he become surpased.

X1 pass and get ball back from realiza X2.X1 pass to X3 and both goes to encounter to act as defender.X3 drives to get an 1x1 versus X1.X2 goes to support X3 giving him the possibility of making a wall pass or simply pass.To finish there is a goal kick.

X1 passes to X2 and receive the ball from him, them he makes a high pass to X3.X3 returns the ball in one touch to X6.X6 Start the exercise (same as X1) but at the other side of the rectangle.It is make continuosly so each player places himself one place forwards clockwise .At half time, change the direction of rotation.