Divide players into two teams.In each half, one team will attack 4 nets ant the other only two of them .The team with more goals after the second half, wins.

Players are divided into two teams.each team defend a big net and two small nets places at the sides .they have to try to score the bigger number of goals.The goals into the bigger net are worth twice.

Divide playground and place a team on each side.They have to maintain possesion on their ground and attack after 5 or 6 passes.When the defending team steal the ball, then they get the ground of the team that lose it.

It is a match between two teams.Each time will have a man permanently on the defensive zone (free player), All the other players are placed along the field.A goal is scored by kicking to net in the defensive area, or by head from anywere.

Players are divided into two teams.Each team defends a big goal, and two smaller ones, placed on the sides of their defensive zones.They must score as many goals as possible.The goals on the big net are worth twice.

Two teams of 7 and a goalkeeper each.There are placed two goals made of pivots at the middle of the field, at sides .Pass the ball througth a goal is worth half a point.To score a normal goal is worth 1 point.

Match between two teams.The big goal can only be scored after a pass from outside the big area, that goal is worth 1 point.On the goal made of pivots the goal is worth 0,5 points .The team with more points win.

In half a field, divided in two sides, there is played a game 5 on 4 .The team with 4 players press with 3 of them the side of the field with the ball .The oponent team must score on the small goals.

The players are divided into two teams, also the field is divided into two fields.Each team will have two outside supporting players on the attack sides .There will be played a match , but all players must be on the attacked field for the goal to be scored .If any of the defending players is on the attackers side of the field, the goal will score double.

Match between two teams of 7 players each.Four goals made of pivots will be put on the corners of the field, while a fifth one will be on the middle.One of the teams will try to score on the corner´s goals, while the other one will keep the ball.

All players form a circle except one, that remains outside.The players must pass a ball, and the exterios player must run to intercept it.The player that las touched the ball when it´s intercepted will replace the outside player.· meter between players.

The first player of the team, runs to the pivot and returns.Take the hand of the second, and runs to and back the pivot.So with the rest of players.When the first player has run with all the team, then rests.Later the secons, the third and so.The last one runs alone.

Each pair occupies two goals made with pivots.The left player have the ball and must pass it to the right´s .After pass the two players run for the opposite goal.

Find a place with aprox. 20 stairs, not too narrow.1st serie; 8 iterations, walking going up two by two.2nd serie;8 iterations, walking going up one by one.3rd serie; 8 iterations, running going up one by one.4ª serie; 8 iterations, two by two running.Recovering and extensions between series.transferency should by worked then, by 5 progresions of about 20 meters.

Match between two teams.Each team defends and attacks three goals.

Match between 2 teams.Each team attacks and defends 4 goals (two at sides, two frontal).It is played widewards.

Reduced space match between two teams.2 jokers that play always with the ball owner.