The players are divided into two teams (one attacks the big goal, while the other attacks the two smaller ones ) .The team that defends the big goal falls back covering spaces and play at counterattack when recovers ball .The team that attacks the big goal tries to construct with patience and presses near enemy area.

Encounter between two teams.Each team has a player that is behind enemy goal.To score a wall pass must be made with that player throught goal.The ball will be given back with only one touch .

Match between two teams.At the marked zones will be placed an attacker.To score, the ball must come from one of those.

The players are divided into two teams.Each team attack and defend two goals.One point will be scored by driving the ball throught an opponent goal.

Divide players into two team.Each team attack and defend a goal.To score a goal, it must be after a pass backwards.

Combined action with 4 player reaching goal and capping .x1 Make a drive and pass to x3.x3 returns with 1 touch towards x2.x2 make a change of orientation looking for outmarking from x4.x2 Will reach to the short one, x3 to the penalty point and x1 to the second pole.

Two rows of cones of about 40 meters will be used as a goal .The players are divided into two teams .To score a goal the row must be surpased driving the ball throught it and letting it stopped by the row, at aprox. 2 or 3 meters (To make sure that the ball enters controlled).

X1 pass to X2 who drive the ball to the big area .X1 runs to encounter X2 to function as defender.X2 dribbles and ends with a kick .

X2 start running to enter a 1x1 with X1 who goes to encounter him.X3 gets into the play to support X2 who can then pass or wall pass.

On one of the sides the player drives the ball and dribbles to finish kicking.At the other side of the field, driving and wall pass it´s worked , finishing in kick too.Once made, the positions are changed.

X1 long passes to X3 who controls and try to overcome the opposition of X1 and X2.X2 covers X1 should he become surpased.

X1 makes a pass and goes to encounter X2.EHe controls, drive, and after dribble X1 kick to goal.The exercise is made at both sides of the field (With two balls) .Change of positions.

X1 pass and get ball back from realiza X2.X1 pass to X3 and both goes to encounter to act as defender.X3 drives to get an 1x1 versus X1.X2 goes to support X3 giving him the possibility of making a wall pass or simply pass.To finish there is a goal kick.

Mixed action between three players .Star with a wall pass (x1 to x2) and then a deep pass to the outmarked x3 .x3 controls to goal and ends kicking .Develop action both sides.

Mixed action with 4 players .The play start by a wall pass between (X1 and X2).After that X1 Makes a change of orientation while X3 outmarks.X3 after controlling kick in the direction of X4, so he caps.X2 support if the ball is rejected.

Simple combination between X1 and X2 in with a wall pass with opening to the side is made towards the outmarked X1.X1 drives and pass sidewards to capping X2.X2 ends by kicking.This must be made at both sides of the field.

Mix of passes (Double wall pass) between X1 andX2.after wich X1 will make a change of X3.X3 ends by capping to goal.X2 stays looking for a possible rebound .Make the exercise at both sides of the field.