It´s abour reaching the first to one of the pivots.The pivots will be numbered.At the signal of the trainer the players will run to the pivot named.The last one to reach will be eliminated.

The players must move around a circle.the players must sit on the knees of the previous player.rotate alternating inside and outside.

Series;1)Upper abdominal extended legs.2)Lower abdominal alternatively rising semiextended legs.3)Oblicuals by body side bending.4)Lumbars with body elevation and legs extended.5)Lower abdominal by extend and retract legs by the ground.6)Upper abdominal with leg elevation at 90 º.Two complete runs around playground:1st)30” running 30” recovering.2)20” running 40” recovering.

Series;1)Bend and extend legs with oposition.2)Try to reach the floor with extended leg, with oposition.3)Advance with a companion carried on back.4)Jump over an crouched companion.5)Simultaneusly bend and extend legs with oposition, back on the floor.6)Resistance to run, grabbed by hip.Two complete runs of the playground:1ª)30” of action 30” recovering.2ª)20” of action 40” recovering.

Several players placed at a circle with one of them on the middle.They have to pass the ball, that cannot touch the ground.the ball will always pass thru the middle player.