Two teams of 4 players each and a goalkeeper play a match on the big area of a football field.They can only use head pasees.If the ball touches the ground, then it is passed to the opponent team.

inside playground there are placed two teams of 5 players each and two jokers that will play always with the team that has posesion .On the parallel sides and outside field another two will be placed .The objetive will be to maintain the owning of the ball for the bigger time and to get a pass from one outside joker to the other, by internal passes.

It´s abour reaching the first to one of the pivots.The pivots will be numbered.At the signal of the trainer the players will run to the pivot named.The last one to reach will be eliminated.

The players will be placed in two teams, around a playground, giving them a ball each.When signaled, all players will try to get their field rid of ball, .sending them to opponent playground, with hand, feet.The team with less balls in it´s field when a minute passes, wins.

A playground of about 3 or 5 meters with a center passway will be prepared, and a player placed there.This player will try to touch the players passing by.If a player gets touched, he will take hand with the rest of the touched players and try to cath more people.

Series;1)Sprint to 1st signal, and back recovering, Sprint to 2nd signal, and back recovering...2)One touch passes with feet inside.3)Air ball dominion in pairs (with feet) .4)Just like serie one, but driving a ball.5)Jump with feets together over fences.6)ball dominion in pairs (with head).Two complete runs around playground:1ª)30” of action 30” of recovering.2ª)20” of action 40” of recovering.

Series;1)Elevation of leg to the companion chest and with both hands try to touch the feet.2)Side opening and torso bending with help.3)Both companions grabhanded and legs side opened try to put their pelvis together.4)Knocked down face downwards, try to get the leg as high as you can.5)Knocked down torso elevation.6)Knocked down both legs to torso.

X1 passes to X2 and receive the ball from him, them he makes a high pass to X3.X3 returns the ball in one touch to X6.X6 Start the exercise (same as X1) but at the other side of the rectangle.It is make continuosly so each player places himself one place forwards clockwise .At half time, change the direction of rotation.

Players are divided into two teams.SThe objetive is to maintain the ball owning, for that they can use support from the two goalkeepers, who play with feet too .When the defending team recovers the ball, the roles are interchanged .

Placed at a squares corners, 4 plauer must control the ball.2 Players placed inside the square, must intercept the ball when it is passed.

Fight for the ball for two teams Juego .On the smaller square the players can enter, but cannot touch there the ball , making that way continuos changes of orientation.

Two teams play inside a square.The team with the ball will have as objetive exiting the square with the ball controlled (driving it).The opponent team will try to pretent them from doing it by moving all the players over the ball .

Base movement of colective average pressure on a 4-4-2.The different variations of roles will determine the point variations of movements .Give importance to the How (2x1) and Where (flank) Start pressure.

Two teams of five players each.Each player will have a ball and all of them will be looking outwards.When signaled the first player start slaloming around the circle. The second one starts when the first one surpases him and so, after all the players are running .The team that reaches the first their starting line, wins.

Players place themselves forming a "Y".The players make a sucession of passes whili driving whitout kicking the ball.X1 wall passes to X2 and passes to X3.X3 drives the ball to the starting point.The exercise will be done with two balls at the same time (one at each flank of the "Y").When they reach the starting position, the exercise starts again at the other flank.

Two rows of 5 players placed at 5 meters of each other.One of the rows will have all the ballsThe players that drives the ball will have to do it between the two rows while avoiding being distracted and the ball deflected.

Players pass the ball between them while the two players placed inside try to intercept the ball .Passes must go thru the square.