Movement in group coordinating rythm.One after another grapping companion´s leg .

Series;1)Bend and extend legs with oposition.2)Try to reach the floor with extended leg, with oposition.3)Advance with a companion carried on back.4)Jump over an crouched companion.5)Simultaneusly bend and extend legs with oposition, back on the floor.6)Resistance to run, grabbed by hip.Two complete runs of the playground:1ª)30” of action 30” recovering.2ª)20” of action 40” recovering.

Series;1)Sprint race with slalom 2)Frecuency of touching with both feet between pikes .3)Sprint race by zig-zag.4)Bit by bit enlarge leaps with one step between pikes .5)Jump with feet together over fences and accelerate.6)Amplitude introducing a leg in each hoop.Two complete loops at circuit:1ª)30” of action 30” recovering.2ª)20” of action 40” recovering.After finishing the serie, back to previous position walking.

Series;1)Leg flexing and jump.2)Feet together jumpling over ball .3)Advance with only one leg.4)Semi-sit legs at 90º.5)Advanced Skipping .6)heels near ass advancing.Two complete laps at circuit:1ª)30” action 30” recovering.2ª)20” action 40” recovering.

3 teams are made (4,6 or 8 players).The players of each team are divided for field zones .Rhe objetive will be to maintain the ball between two teams, while the third tries to steal it El .No player can leave his zone.If the defending team gets the ball, it changes positions with the losing team.