Divide players into two teams.Each team defend and attack 3 little nets placed along end line .The Goal will be get by entering the ball into any net.

It is a match between two teams.Each time will have a man permanently on the defensive zone (free player), All the other players are placed along the field.A goal is scored by kicking to net in the defensive area, or by head from anywere.

The players are divided into two teams, also the field is divided into two fields.Each team will have two outside supporting players on the attack sides .There will be played a match , but all players must be on the attacked field for the goal to be scored .If any of the defending players is on the attackers side of the field, the goal will score double.

It a speed circuit with ball.The player makes an high pass to goalkeeper and changes ryth to receive the ball from him . Then he makes a wall pass with change of rytm with another teammate .Third action should be a maximun speed drive .Finishing a long and high pass and a sprint to goal.

2 Attackers versus an defender.X3 receive backwards a pass from X1.X3 Have two options : Dribble and kick to goal or protect the ball ,make time, and wait for X1.X2 defends.

On one of the sides the player drives the ball and dribbles to finish kicking.At the other side of the field, driving and wall pass it´s worked , finishing in kick too.Once made, the positions are changed.

X1 makes a pass and goes to encounter X2.EHe controls, drive, and after dribble X1 kick to goal.The exercise is made at both sides of the field (With two balls) .Change of positions.

Mixed action between three players .Star with a wall pass (x1 to x2) and then a deep pass to the outmarked x3 .x3 controls to goal and ends kicking .Develop action both sides.

A ball circulation is made, with two touches per player and changing the orientation between x1, x2 and x3.x3 makes a pass towards the position of the forwarder x5.x5 leaves the ball at one touch to the forwarder x4.x4 aopens the ball to the side when x1 is near.x1 make a center pass for x4 and x5 to cap.

The players are divided into 6 positions ; 4 at the end line and 2 more at the center areas .X1 begins at the end line, getting support from the inside player X2, passes to X3 and get into the flank to pass to the area.X3 returns the ball when X1 arrives.X2 after doing the support get inside area to cap.Players interchange positions.

Two teams play inside a square.The team with the ball will have as objetive exiting the square with the ball controlled (driving it).The opponent team will try to pretent them from doing it by moving all the players over the ball .

The objetive is to work the (2x1) that comes previously to the finish of the play.Two defensive lines, the second one smaller, that are defended each one by a defender are placed.The attacker mus surpass both lines by actions 2x1; Wall passes, crossing, fixing and dribbling .If the attacers score a goal, they will continue to attack, else they pass to be the defenders.

The defensive play is placed by system ($, at 4-4-2) .2 plyers placed at the center of the field will then pass risen balls .The objetive is to make savings oriented to the flanks (Passing players zone, or when it is possible, to control the ball and drive it to that zone).2 defenders will try to avoid that by difficulting the actions .When the exercise dinamics are well know, for making it more real: .Make the defensive line to start at a more advanced position and make the exercise runing backwards.

The players are placed at both flanks of the field and at the sides of the goals.The players at the flanks drive the ball while making tecnical actions (dribbling, wall passes), before passing to the center of the small area.Two players run from the same side as the passer and after crossing, they go for the cap .The passer, when returning to the start position will serve as a support for a wall pass.