Competition between two teams.They will try to reach as soon as possible to kick to goal.

Make two teams of three players each and a joker player. Each team attacks and defends two small goals and when owning the ball can use the joker for numerical superiority .Defense is zone and change based.The attack is based on the circulation speed and on the search for amplitude to create spaces.

X1 passes to X2 and receive the ball from him, them he makes a high pass to X3.X3 returns the ball in one touch to X6.X6 Start the exercise (same as X1) but at the other side of the rectangle.It is make continuosly so each player places himself one place forwards clockwise .At half time, change the direction of rotation.

Inside a marked square are placed two teams of 3 players each and a joker .At two sides are placed another two jokers .Both inside teams fight for the ball owning, anytime they can be supported by the jokers .There are always 6 attackers on 3 defenders .

Superiority play of 6 attackers on 4 defenders .Before finishing the play, a predetermined number of passes must be made .The objetive is to get superiority on attack or inside spaces to finish the play by changes of orientation or by ofensive variables.They will try to score the maximun number of goals in a given time.

The players are divided into two teams of 7 each and two goals are placed with cones on the inside zone of the playground .The objetive of the game is to score on any goal.For the point to be valid it must be scored on the back of the goal.On this Match there will be no goalkeepers.

The players are divided into two teams.There are two small goals, placed at the sides, and one big goal, at the middle.The objetive is to score the most, but to score at the big goal, it must be done by head.

Match between two teams.At the goal zone of each team must be two attackers and two defenders .The players on the defensive zone will only be able to exit it if : - There is no other player of the same team at that zone - He has the ball - Runs to control the pass from a team mate.Defenders mark to the man.

The players are divided into 6 positions ; 4 at the end line and 2 more at the center areas .X1 begins at the end line, getting support from the inside player X2, passes to X3 and get into the flank to pass to the area.X3 returns the ball when X1 arrives.X2 after doing the support get inside area to cap.Players interchange positions.

Basculation between X1,X2 and X3.When X3 recibe receives the ball, X5 makes an outmarking movement to recive the ball from X3.They make a wall pass.X5 goes for the cap(at the first pole) and X4(at the second one).

X4 passes to the flank where X1 is.X1 wall passes to X2 and later they pass in diagonal to para X3.X3 leaves the ball towards the space in front of X2.X2 deep passes towards the forwarder X4.X4 makes a short combination with X3 and outmarks himself to receive a deep pass and finish the exercise kicking to goal.

Two teams play inside a square.The team with the ball will have as objetive exiting the square with the ball controlled (driving it).The opponent team will try to pretent them from doing it by moving all the players over the ball .

Base movement of colective average pressure on a 4-4-2.The different variations of roles will determine the point variations of movements .Give importance to the How (2x1) and Where (flank) Start pressure.

Four players place themselves at a 10x10 square and concatenate actions 2 on 1 .The objetive is to make effective the superiority 2 on 1 and get over the line defended by the opponent.A defender passes the ball to one of the attackers and then runs behind them to force them to make quicky the 2 on 1 .Attackers will get a point each time that they pass the opposed line with the ball controlled.Pairs work alternatively, one ofensive action and then one defensive.

The objetive is to work the (2x1) that comes previously to the finish of the play.Two defensive lines, the second one smaller, that are defended each one by a defender are placed.The attacker mus surpass both lines by actions 2x1; Wall passes, crossing, fixing and dribbling .If the attacers score a goal, they will continue to attack, else they pass to be the defenders.

The defensive play is placed by system ($, at 4-4-2) .2 plyers placed at the center of the field will then pass risen balls .The objetive is to make savings oriented to the flanks (Passing players zone, or when it is possible, to control the ball and drive it to that zone).2 defenders will try to avoid that by difficulting the actions .When the exercise dinamics are well know, for making it more real: .Make the defensive line to start at a more advanced position and make the exercise runing backwards.

Players place themselves forming a "Y".The players make a sucession of passes whili driving whitout kicking the ball.X1 wall passes to X2 and passes to X3.X3 drives the ball to the starting point.The exercise will be done with two balls at the same time (one at each flank of the "Y").When they reach the starting position, the exercise starts again at the other flank.