Four different teams are made.One for goal, and two at middlefield (one in each side) .The have to make a chase run.Each team must cath the rest of the players without losing team mates.

All players are divided into three or four teams of four players each.Each team has a ball.Its played in reliefs.Fist player takes the ball to the firsto cone.Second player runs and take it back.Third player takes it to the next cone.

Make three laps at circuit.1ª) 30" of action 30" recovering - 2ª) 25" of action 35" recovering - 3ª) 20" of action 40" recovering .Series: 1. Jumps with feet together2.Arm resistance 3. Abdominal lumbar 4. Lateral jump with feet together 5. Arm movement with static feet 6.Upper Abdominal .

Players are placer into two rows and in the middle it´s placed an small fence (60 cm). Players must pass the ball over fence and quicky jump the fence with feet together .

Inside field there are different obstacles as pikes, cones....Half of team´s plyers are `placen outside of the square with ball .All the others, run inside.When signaled they must pass each obstacle (jumping, slalom, zigzag...) and give back the ball with only one touch to some outside player.

Two teams are made.First team sprint 15 meters and walking back recovering.When it gets back, the other team start.Then the fisrt team runs, a go and back sprint , so prograssively to 5 long runs, and then down to one.Always the same distance that has been sprinted is walked back recovering.

Series;1)Leg flexing and jump.2)Feet together jumpling over ball .3)Advance with only one leg.4)Semi-sit legs at 90º.5)Advanced Skipping .6)heels near ass advancing.Two complete laps at circuit:1ª)30” action 30” recovering.2ª)20” action 40” recovering.

1)Throw ball over head .2)Jump over a rope with feet together.3)Arm moving(forward and backwards).4ª)Ball dominion in air.5)Walking on hands (with or without suppoting).6)zigzag backwards.Two complete circuit laps:1ª)45” action 15” recovering.2ª)40” action 20” recovering.

series;1)Side opening of both legs, and bending body forwards touching feets .2)Arm flexions(making the lizard).3)Cuadriceps extension while standing on one leg .4)Squatting, walking .5)on Knees balancing torso backwards and forwards.6)Fence jump position, looking for the feet end. Two complete laps to circuit:1)15” action .2)20” action .Walk recovering between series.

Series;1)Elevation of leg to the companion chest and with both hands try to touch the feet.2)Side opening and torso bending with help.3)Both companions grabhanded and legs side opened try to put their pelvis together.4)Knocked down face downwards, try to get the leg as high as you can.5)Knocked down torso elevation.6)Knocked down both legs to torso.

It will be comendable to find two slopes with differen inclination; Long slope (8% aprox ), Short slope (25% aprox ).1st serie; 8 iterations of 50 meters over 8% slope. 2nd serie;6 iterations of 50 meters over 8% slope but faster..3rd serie; 4 iterations of 10 meters over 25% slope.Slope, inclinated upwards..

Find a place with aprox. 20 stairs, not too narrow.1st serie; 8 iterations, walking going up two by two.2nd serie;8 iterations, walking going up one by one.3rd serie; 8 iterations, running going up one by one.4ª serie; 8 iterations, two by two running.Recovering and extensions between series.transferency should by worked then, by 5 progresions of about 20 meters.

Power work exercise.1st serie; 8 minutes of continuous running.2nd serie; 8 minutos of different types of displacements(backwards, sidewards, skipping...).3rd serie; 8 minutes Speed reaction (Start, Start-stop-start...).4th serie; 8 minutes of multijump exercises with sprinting start (Frontal jump, kneels to torso, jumping backwards...).

the players are paired and distributed between squares.The game is about getting into the square, without being touched by defenders.The defenders will eliminate an attacker if he gets touched before reaching the line.Defenders must stay in the zone, they cannot change positions.

Take with the flat side of hand the same side of head.Initiate a neck flexing, so you reach the stretching point.Maintain stretching 15"-rest 10"-Stretch again.Back to start position slowly to avoid pain and motion sicknessFluid and relaxed breathing.Cervical zone is very sensible, so we have to be cautious not to suffer pain.

Make a complete lap to a muscle improving circuit, form 10 to 15 iterations for exercise.Diferent modes can be used to work each exercise (weights, machines...).It is importaant to work global (Upper side of body, lower side, abdominal...).Non maximun weights(60-70% of capacity), and using different muscle groups.

Arm warming exercises, joint movement and coordination.1)Alternatively rise and lower the arms(Right up, left down...).2)Open arms and cross them in front of the body(Each time a arm is higher).3)Make big circles with both arms(Forwards and backwards).4)Continuos sequence; Cross in front of the body, cross backwards, rise both, lower both.