
A triangle zone is marked from the corners to the center of the field.The defensive team will be placed inside this zone and will be unable to exit it. They will have to control all the space and avoid the attacker team from scoring a goal .The team with the ball will play with 3 players inside and 3 player outside the zone with the only objetive of scoring a goal.

Two teams attacking each one on two goals and with two players placed at the flank of the field .The teams fall back to their areas to defend .When the ball is stolen a long pass to one of the external players is made to ensure a quick counterattack .

Depending on the system used by each team x players will be placed at the system positions .The objetive is that the players elaborate different plays simulating real game actions .The coach will impose some rules; That all players must touch the ball before capping, that the ball must go thru both flanks, etc .

two teams are make, with an adition of two jokers.The objetive is to maintain the ball owning the longer possible.Each fifth time that the attacking team touches the ball, a defending player is banished .These players return to the field when the defending teams recovers the ball and touches five times .Each team will try to eliminate all the opponent players.

Combinative action for 5 players .X1 starts the play with a pass to X2 who at the first touch make a wall pass whit him .X1 Playing at one touch passes to X3.X1 will pass so to be at the initial position of X2.X3 makes a pass and at that moment, X5 runs to him, so after a wall pass, they pass to the arriving X4.X5 Will then be at the the position of X1 and X4 Will be at the position of X5.Kicks will be made to golal except the defenders, who will try to kick the ball between pivots (at least 2 of each 3 kicks).

Four squares of 10x10 meters are prepared, separated by a central line.On each zone a offensive player is placed inside, and a defensive player at the limits .Two attackers more will play at the central line with the opposition of one defender .The objetive is to maintain the ball by looking constantly for pass lines that make it easier for the ball owner .Defenders will only be able to go for the ball if it is at their defensive zone.

Passing the ball between the defense of four players by oriented controls and touched passes .Once the ball reaches the player 4, he makes a small control while the 5 makes a support outmark.Wall pass between players 4 and 5 to pass then looking for the cap of the players 5 and 6 Who wait at the first and second pole .Defenders will follow the play .The forwarders must reach in speed.

Maintain the ball owning trying that to avoid it from being intercepted by the player placed at the center of the circle.

Drive around a zone and then kick to goal.Each player will have an assigned number.On a zone near the penalty zone, the players move the ball.When the coach shouts a number, the player with that number must kick to goal.

A player drives the ball, when he reaches tht middle of the run, he makes a wall pass with a companion.After that, he passes to the fartest player, who drives the ball and begin the exercice again.

Wall pass between two players that after dribling the cones without the ball kick to goal.After that first kick the player make a rupture oumarking and waits for the pass of a third player, controls the ball and kicks to goal.

Passes for three players.The first player pass the ball and it is given back by the second one, placed at the middle.He will then make a change of play towards a companion who will then make the same exercise.Change of positions.