Divide players into two teams.Each team defend and attack 3 little nets placed along end line .The Goal will be get by entering the ball into any net.

Divide players into two teams.In each half, one team will attack 4 nets ant the other only two of them .The team with more goals after the second half, wins.

Make two teams.Place ramdomly small goals all around playground (one more goal than players on a team).The objective is to maintain posesion and score as many goals as possible.A goal is scored by making a pass throught any goal.When the defending team stole the ball, the positions are changed (defenders-attackers).

Divide players into two teams. Play seven on seven plus two goalkeepers.Establish Tactical objetives as needed;pressing, falling back, steering....

It is a match between two teams.Each time will have a man permanently on the defensive zone (free player), All the other players are placed along the field.A goal is scored by kicking to net in the defensive area, or by head from anywere.

Players are divided into two teams.Each team defends a big goal, and two smaller ones, placed on the sides of their defensive zones.They must score as many goals as possible.The goals on the big net are worth twice.

Two teams of 7 and a goalkeeper each.There are placed two goals made of pivots at the middle of the field, at sides .Pass the ball througth a goal is worth half a point.To score a normal goal is worth 1 point.

Each team places 4 players inside playground and tow outside players supporting at sides, plus there are two jokers supporting at bottom .The objetive is to own the ball as many time as possible, but they have to make a change of position, (inside-outside) each time that any of the inside players passes to a outside one Se trata de mantener la posesión del balón el.

the players are paired and distributed between squares.The game is about getting into the square, without being touched by defenders.The defenders will eliminate an attacker if he gets touched before reaching the line.Defenders must stay in the zone, they cannot change positions.

Match between two teams.Each team defends and attacks three goals.

Match between 2 teams.Each team attacks and defends 4 goals (two at sides, two frontal).It is played widewards.

Reduced space match between two teams.2 jokers that play always with the ball owner.

Players are divided into two teams.Goals are paced ramdomly, one more than players.The objective is to score the max, while maintining owning.A goal is scored by making a pass throught a goal.If the defending team gets the ball, then they attack.

The players are divided into two teams (one attacks the big goal, while the other attacks the two smaller ones ) .The team that defends the big goal falls back covering spaces and play at counterattack when recovers ball .The team that attacks the big goal tries to construct with patience and presses near enemy area.

The players are divided into two teams.Each team attack and defend two goals.One point will be scored by driving the ball throught an opponent goal.

Divide players into two team.Each team attack and defend a goal.To score a goal, it must be after a pass backwards.

Two rows of cones of about 40 meters will be used as a goal .The players are divided into two teams .To score a goal the row must be surpased driving the ball throught it and letting it stopped by the row, at aprox. 2 or 3 meters (To make sure that the ball enters controlled).