
Divide players into three teams.2 teams play inside playground ant the other outside, as support.The two teams will try to score, for what they can use outside players as support .Each 8 or 10 minutes, rotate teams.

Two players place at the sides of a playground.Inside, they are two defenders and three attackers.They must remain in the same relative position, 2 side support(1 player in the back of the defense).Take ball from one side to another and rotate places.


Divide players into three teams.Two teams play inside field and the other one place as outside support.The two inside teams fight over ball posesion and can use the outside players as support.Each 8 or 10 minutes change a inside team for the ouside one.

Divide playground and place a team on each side.They have to maintain possesion on their ground and attack after 5 or 6 passes.When the defending team steal the ball, then they get the ground of the team that lose it.

It is about keeping the ball.There will be three teams of 4 players plus a joker that will play with the ball owner .There will be always three atackers and a joker versus 8 defenders.

Normal match, but players can get outside zone.Each player will be 3 minutes in each of the three areas .The central passage will be bigger than the other two .The goalkick could be directly to a side zone player.

Three teams place two players each inside a circle and two players outside .Two team maintain ball owning both inside and outside circle in front of the defending team (the team that losses the ball) .Each team will get a goal when combines a inside player with an outside one (or the contrary) throught a goal.

The playground is dividen into two zones, each one with three players of each team.Each team attacks a, only one, goal.The objetive is to pass the ball into the attack zone and get superiority (the player that passes the ball goes to the attack zone) .If the opposite player recovers the ball, only that player could recover his defensive position on the other zone .

Two teams play to eliminate each other. The players will get the ball with the hands and will be unable to make more than three steeps with .A plyer will be eliminated if he is touched by ball.The player exiting field will be elimimated too.The team that eliminates all the enemy player in least time will win.

Make four teams (two per area).Run with amplitude (70-80%) from area to area, recovery walking to plaground´s end and to area.Team run in relief´s mode(finish one and start another).8 iterations, When done 3 min of active recovering.Reduce to three teams and make 6 iterations.Finish with 5 minutes of active recovering.

Series;1)Sprint race with slalom 2)Frecuency of touching with both feet between pikes .3)Sprint race by zig-zag.4)Bit by bit enlarge leaps with one step between pikes .5)Jump with feet together over fences and accelerate.6)Amplitude introducing a leg in each hoop.Two complete loops at circuit:1ª)30” of action 30” recovering.2ª)20” of action 40” recovering.After finishing the serie, back to previous position walking.

All players are divided into three or four teams of four players each.Each team has a ball.Its played in reliefs.Fist player takes the ball to the firsto cone.Second player runs and take it back.Third player takes it to the next cone.

Make three laps at circuit.1ª) 30" of action 30" recovering - 2ª) 25" of action 35" recovering - 3ª) 20" of action 40" recovering .Series: 1. Jumps with feet together2.Arm resistance 3. Abdominal lumbar 4. Lateral jump with feet together 5. Arm movement with static feet 6.Upper Abdominal .

Series;1)Leg flexing and jump.2)Feet together jumpling over ball .3)Advance with only one leg.4)Semi-sit legs at 90º.5)Advanced Skipping .6)heels near ass advancing.Two complete laps at circuit:1ª)30” action 30” recovering.2ª)20” action 40” recovering.

Group is distributed into teams of two or three.Moving around there is done: jogging, joint movement, stretching,changes of direction and rythm.Rythm, movements,dificulcy and intensity mus be progresive .Begin at generic exercises and finish with specific ones.

Match between two teams.Each team defends and attacks three goals.

Divide players into teams of 4.They play 4 on 4 placed as a lozenge (Side and long support) .The final objetives are the short combinations and the quick endings .Man to man marking is required to increase outmarking, dribbling...The team that has scored the much after three minutes, wins .