
Divide playground and place a team on each side.They have to maintain possesion on their ground and attack after 5 or 6 passes.When the defending team steal the ball, then they get the ground of the team that lose it.

Divide players into two teams.Each team will attack and defend two small goals. The goal of the game is to score the most, while working the cnages of orientation and the rythm of the driving.At the same time, as they have to defend two small goals, the game is very suitable to work on zone defense, with supporting, changes of role and position for every player on team .


The players place themselves forming a circle.A player moves fast on the outside . To the voice of the trainer the nearest player must try to catch him(her) before the player can occupy his place after completing the circle.

All players but one will have a bodice attached backards.The bodiceless player will try to get one from another player .The game will finish when nobody has a bodice.

Handkerchief game, but with ball.As the trainer says a number, a player from each team start to .The players must take the ball and drive it to the start point, they must avoid the other player from stealing it before reaching the line.

A ball pero player except two players.These will try to steal the balls of the rest of the players.

3 teams are made (4,6 or 8 players).The players of each team are divided for field zones .Rhe objetive will be to maintain the ball between two teams, while the third tries to steal it El .No player can leave his zone.If the defending team gets the ball, it changes positions with the losing team.

Two zones are prepared, with at least 15-20 meters between them.On each one 3 ofensive players and one defender are placed .They have to maintain ball owning inside their square without the defender stealing the ball.The ball can be passed from zone to zone, but at least 3 or 4 touches have to be made.The player losing the ball or failing the pass, becomes the defender.

Two marked zones are prepared, with 15-20 meters between them (A zone by the side, and B zone in front of the small area) .on each one are 3 ofensive players and 1 defensive player are placed .The ball begins on A zone and they have to maintain the ball owning without the defender stealing it .For passing the ball from A zone to B zone, a minimun of four touches have to be made .On B zone another four touches must be made, to finish attacking the goal.

The players are dividen into three teams .2 teams maintain the owning of the ball while the third one tries to steal it .When the ball is stealed, the defender team passes to the atack and the team that lost the ball passes to defend.

The players are dividen into three teams .2 teams maintain the owning of the ball while the third one tries to steal it .When the ball is stealed, the defender team passes to the atack and the team that lost the ball passes to defend.

4 small goals are placedat 7-8 meters of the area .4 players attack and 3 more and a goalkeeper defend .Attackers must pass the ball thru any of the small goals to be able to attack the big one .Defenders must prevent it by defending first the small goals and later the big one.

Players are divided into two teams.SThe objetive is to maintain the ball owning, for that they can use support from the two goalkeepers, who play with feet too .When the defending team recovers the ball, the roles are interchanged .

A triangle zone is marked from the corners to the center of the field.The defensive team will be placed inside this zone and will be unable to exit it. They will have to control all the space and avoid the attacker team from scoring a goal .The team with the ball will play with 3 players inside and 3 player outside the zone with the only objetive of scoring a goal.

Two teams attacking each one on two goals and with two players placed at the flank of the field .The teams fall back to their areas to defend .When the ball is stolen a long pass to one of the external players is made to ensure a quick counterattack .

A player drives the ball to the middle of the field where he has to round a pivot.When he has passed the pivot a companion who is 5 meters behind him will start to run after him to steal the ball before the first player reaches the kicking line.

A player runs towards the pivot while driving the ball.Near the pivot he leaves the ball still, sol a second player takes it and kicks to goal .