
Dangle between two players.Other two players are on the big area, both make outmarking breaks, one to the side, while the other into the big area.A pass will be made to either.

Mixed action with 4 players .The play start by a wall pass between (X1 and X2).After that X1 Makes a change of orientation while X3 outmarks.X3 after controlling kick in the direction of X4, so he caps.X2 support if the ball is rejected.

Mix of passes (Double wall pass) between X1 andX2.after wich X1 will make a change of X3.X3 ends by capping to goal.X2 stays looking for a possible rebound .Make the exercise at both sides of the field.

The objetive is to maintain ball owning, between the outside players with the help from a joker .Each time that a ball is intercepted the positions will change.

Ball circulation from side to side of the field between three players.A forth one after signaling the ball owner break towards big area .Then the forwarder outmarks sidewards to get the ball En ese momento el delantero realiza un desmarque.He then pass to any other player to cap .

2 or 3 players are placed at the sides of the area and the resto of the players make two rows out of the area, perpendicular to the goal .Side players make a short wall pass and center to the area where two players go to cap.The capping players cross out of the area .

There are placed two team inside a square, they have to fight for the ball .They have to make a little change of rythm everytime a pass is made .The player that dont make it is penaliced with 10 abdominals or something like that.

Players are dividen into two teams .Both of them figth for the ball .At the same time they will be able to score by passing the ball throught any of the four goals .Two goalkeepers will defent these goals, and they can move freely by them .

players are divided into two teams. Both teams will try to maintain tha ball playing around a marked zone (central circle).A goal will be scored when a successful pass is made thru that zone .

Players are divided into two teams that fight for the ball.Teams play around a marked zone on wich there will be one player of each team .A point will be scored each time a pass is made with that player.Each five minutes the inside player will be changed.

Two zones are prepared, with at least 15-20 meters between them.On each one 3 ofensive players and one defender are placed .They have to maintain ball owning inside their square without the defender stealing the ball.The ball can be passed from zone to zone, but at least 3 or 4 touches have to be made.The player losing the ball or failing the pass, becomes the defender.

The players are divided into two teams of 7 each and two goals are placed with cones on the inside zone of the playground .The objetive of the game is to score on any goal.For the point to be valid it must be scored on the back of the goal.On this Match there will be no goalkeepers.

The players are divided into two teams.There are two small goals, placed at the sides, and one big goal, at the middle.The objetive is to score the most, but to score at the big goal, it must be done by head.

X1 make a starting pass to X2.X2 controls and make a vertical pass towards X3.X3 controls and make a diagonal pass towards X1.X1 make a wall pass and finally leaves the ball at the broder of the area so X4 runs to the ball and kicks to goal.

Begining backwards to the goal,X3 receives a pass from X1 while X4 defends.X3 has two options : face X4 and kick to goal, protect the ball or make time and look for a wall pass with X1.

The players are dividen into three teams .2 teams maintain the owning of the ball while the third one tries to steal it .When the ball is stealed, the defender team passes to the atack and the team that lost the ball passes to defend.

The players are dividen into three teams .2 teams maintain the owning of the ball while the third one tries to steal it .When the ball is stealed, the defender team passes to the atack and the team that lost the ball passes to defend.